K4 RALLY — STARHEROES Tournament — 1.-31. August 2023
Great news for all K4 Rally and STARHEROES fans, the two outstanding GameFi projects partner for an exciting tournament. Your chance to get one of the rare STARHEROES FREE MINT Whitelist Spots.
All you have to do is join the tournament, race into the leaderboard and claim your reward if you are in the top 10 by end of August.

Tournament Facts:
Start: 1. August 2023
End: 31. August, 6pm (UTC)
Track: Austria 1 (Daytime)
Reward Pool: 10 STARHEROES FREE MINT WL SPOTS (FCFS) + 5 x K4 Rally Promo NFT Car
K4 Game Link: https://game.k4rally.io
StarHeroes Website: https://starheroes.io/
Free Tournament: No NFT Race Car required — newbies will get a test car
How to attend the tournament:
Go to the K4 Rally game website https://game.k4rally.io
Login or Register
In the main menu click on tournaments
On the tournaments page click on the tournament image

On the tournament page click on “START THE RACE”

More info about the game and how to play you will find in our official FAQ
The top 10 in leaderboard on 31. August 2023, 6pm (UTC) will get a STARHEROES FREE MINT WL SPOT (FCFS).
In addition we will raffle 5 x K4 Rally Promo NFT cars amongst all participants.
How to claim your rewards when the tournament ends:
We follow the advice of our community and fight against multi account users to make tournaments fairer. As part of this strategy, we add “Discord Connect” to the K4 User Profile. So, if you are qualified for a reward in our tournament, you need to follow these easy steps:
Connect your K4 Profile with your Discord Profile

Login to your K4 Account, open your racer profile and click on the “Connect Discord” button. Then follow the Discord instruction to connect your discord account.
Join our Discord Server and open a ticket, click on “Claim Rewards” (see picture below) to contact our support. Just write that you claim your reward from the tournament, tell us your K4 Profile Name and your wallet on the Arbitrum Chain. Our Team will check your Discord connection and multi account usage. Once all is confirmed you will get your reward.